Who Speaks for You?
By Heather Ross, Co-founder, RESOLVED. What is an Advocate? That is the question. An Advocate is someone who acts on your behalf. Ensuring that your wishes are followed and you receive what it is you are looking for. An advocate’s best strength is not only their profession but it is the fact that they can listen and interpret what you are saying into exactly what you want.Read More
March 03, 2018 by Resolved
Time to save for your funeral… CPP isn’t going...
By Adrian Walton, Co-founder, RESOLVED. In December 2017, Canada’s Finance Ministers met to review the Canada Pension Plan system, including the “CPP Death Benefit”, frozen for over 20 years at a maximum of $2,500. Representatives of Canada’s funeral industry argued that had this benefit been indexed, the amount today would be over $5,500.Read More
February 02, 2018 by Resolved